Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The campers kicked off Planeteers week with some inspiration for recycled crafts from Ms. Jillian. Then, they set off on a nature walk to gather materials for nature crafts. The campers created animals such as deer, birds and caterpillars all with sticks, leaves and other natural materials they found on the Blithewold grounds! Next, they watched a presentation on energy conservation, from which they learned about solar energy, fossil fuels and biomass. After a quick worksheet about how to create a waste-free lunch, the campers went on a beach cleanup! They found lots of garbage all around the waterfront which they collected and put in trash bags. Later, they ended the day with some journal writing about the clean up. How will the campers help the environment tomorrow?

Does your family recycle? What are some other ways we can "green up" our community?

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