Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Animal Trackers!

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Animal Trackers: Day 2 cont.

Next, we all went outside to play a few games that forced us to use our senses...just like animals do. The first game was a hearing game. One person sat in the middle of a circle with a branch and their eyes closed, while one camper had to take the stick without the person in the middle knowing where they came from. It was lots of fun and we learned about an animal tracking technique.

Next we tested sight by plaing camoflauge, as well as another hearing game! Learning is fun at camp!

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Animal Trackers: Day 2

As soon as the campers came in this morning, we got right down to business ... animal tracking that is!
We headed right down to the beach, nets were handed out and there mission was to catch creatures such as crabs jellyfish & shrimp!

All of the creatures went into a bucket filled with water so we could study our findings! Of course after observing, we released our friends back to the sea.
Future Marine Biologist?
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Animal Trackers!

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Animal Trackers: Day 1

Today was the first day with our new group of Animal Trackers! Our first project was to draw a picture of your favorite animal, then share it with the group! One of the main objectives of this week is to learn about all animals, especially those that are endangered. WE had a discussion about different species and how they became endangered.

After sculpting a 3D image of the animal they drew this morning, they headed down to the Rock and Water Gardens to collect frogs and tadpoles, dragonfly larva. Once we caught the animals, we observed them and then put them back in the pond.

Animal Trackers in action!

Gone froggin'.

Check out all of these frogs!
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Aquatic Explorers!

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FAmily Fun Friday!

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Aquatic Explorers!

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Aquatic Explorers...last day :(

Today is the last day of water week! It has been so much fun, and we have all made many new friends. We started our last day together by making bottled sand art. Next we took our shells that were collected yesterday and decorated them! Today was Family Fun Friday!!! It is such a fun day and all families are welcome to join us. At 11:00, we went into the mansion ( because it was raining ... again) and watched a puppet show performance by Sparky's puppets! It was so funny, everyone was laughing about the silly pirate puppets and talking fish! After the show we made jellyfish and got our faces painted!

Thanks for a great week campers! See you next week Animal Trackers!

Aquatic Explorers are...

... SILLY &

... SWEET! What a great week!
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Aquatic Explorers: Day 4

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Aquatic Explorers: Day 4

The very first thing the campers did today was go down to the shore to collect shells. Each camper packed a few shells for a craft activity later in the day. After exploring for over an hour, we headed back to our camp for snack time! Afterwards, it was game time in the front lawn... water noodle relay and mosquito tag! After several rounds, we head back to our crafting headquarters to construct " sand castles" out of recycled cardboard and paper towel rolls. Instead of using glue to put their castle together, they were challenged to make slits and fit the pieces together. Once assembled, the campers painted the castle with glue and poured sand over it for an authentic look! After lunch we learned about all the different bodies of water, made fish mobiles and explored the gardens!

Aquatic explorer week sure is fun! What will we dive into tomorrow?

Aquatic Explorers: Day 4

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Aquatic Explorers: Day 3

Today the campers were so excited to start the day, they dove right into an activity! Campers learned 10 new facts bout water and then had to interpret that fact with a drawing. After, it was time for sand art! It was such a nice day that we didn't want to stay inside. Out the campers went for snack and game time. After the explorers had a great discussion about how to reduce waste and keep our environment clean, they headed down to the beach, to paint beautiful watercolor paintings of the landscape. Campers voted on the BEST WATERCOLOR PAINTINGS... and the awards went to:

1st Place : Caroline
2nd Place: Eddie
3rd Place: Grace
Congrats artists!

Lunch time! We love to eat outside in our camp tent!

After refueling at lunch, the Aquatic explorers were ready to play parachute games in the front lawn. Everyone loves parachute games because we can get loud and silly! Because we were a little tuckered out and wanted to mellow a little before our parents came to pick us up, we watched a movie called "Into the Deep", which taught us about the ocean and the animals that live in it.

Another great day at camp! check back again tomorrow to see what we will explore!

Aquatic Explorers!

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Aquatic Explorers: Day 1

Today a new group of 26 campers arrived at Blithewold. The theme this week is water...and the creatures that live in it! We started the day by by drawing bodies of water, then went down to the pond to explore a real body of water! Each camper received a net and were asked to collect either water bugs or frogs. We examined everything we caught and then head back to camp for a snack and some games! After a picnic lunch, we headed down to the beach! Campers collected crabs and waded in the water in search of other creatures. Each camper brought shells back to camp so that we could make a craft project.

What a great first day at camp!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Aquatic Explorers: Day 2

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WEEK 3: Aquatic Explorers!

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Week 2: LAST DAY!

The campers began the day by making their own pick-up-sticks out of bamboo skewers. While the sticks dried, they made containers to keep them in by decorating paper towel rolls. After watching the movie Eyewitness Weather, it was time for the Family Fun Friday events! Mad Science came and performed many cool experiments with frozen carbon dioxide, showing how they make fog and potions in movies while keeping safety first, making sure the kids all knew that they do nothing with a lighter. After the show, they all made Buds and Blossoms Green Garden Potions with fresh herbs from the Blithewold gardens that can be used as salad dressing! After some outdoor games, a run through the sprinkler and some ice pops, the campers made CD art and picture frames! The planeteers ended the day by making environmental posters that Ms. Jillian is going to have hung in Bristol!

Week 2: Day 4

Today, the Planeteers made recycled crafts out of all kinds of odds and ends – bottle caps, lemonade cartons, laundry detergent caps, soda bottles and more! Then, the campers went on a bug hunt and found lots of creepy-crawlies like spiders, moths and beetles! After playing tag for a while, they spent the rest of the day making their own board games out of pizza boxes! What recycled crafts will the planeteers make tomorrow?

Week 2: Planeteers week!

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